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Current JoyPoll results for 881 entries:

So, why do you think DigitalBill gets all the pussycats?
He's got catnip in his pocket, ... is that a Happy Mac in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me? 146 16%
They want to be a part of his Mac pride, ... looks like the lion ain't gonna sleep tonight. 55 6%
It's his Jaguar Genius shirt!, ... are you sure it's not his Jaguar Genius boxers? 106 12%
He's a Solid Nitrozanium SuperFan. Nuff said!, ... actually, we cannot say enough about SuperFans! 76 8%
This must be an imaginary episode. In reality, it was a Linux party and it was me, surrounded by Linux chicks, ... um sure, .... right... Linux users have parties like this too, don't they? ;) 154 17%
Because DigitallBill has borrowed Tom Jones's mojo, ... ah, so that's why I have a sudden urge to throw my Jaguar Genius underwear at him! 222 25%
I'm more of a dog person. 122 13%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and It's Not Unusual.
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After Y2K!

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