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Current JoyPoll results for 984 entries:

What would be your favorite feature of Mac OS Kitten?
It has nine lives, ... oh no, does that mean we have to pay and pay and pay and pay and pay and pay and pay and pay and pay? 82 8%
Even if it trashes your files, it's just too cute to uninstall, ... yeah, but wait until it scratches up your desktop. 92 9%
You can leave it for a few days and not worry about it crashing, ... it's not crashed, kittens just sleep a lot. 96 9%
The Trash's adorable Litter Box icon, ... and it automatically organizes it into clumps. 119 12%
Two words... "Chick Magnet", ... but is she going to notice you? 343 34%
I'm holding out for "Puppy", ... an interface so loveable, it'll lick you! 129 13%
Every time a Mac you hate, God kills a kitten. 123 12%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and worms.
Previous Joy
After Y2K!

Please support our continued work on the comics by becoming a SuperFan,
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