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Current JoyPoll results for 826 entries:

What would be the coolest feature of Steve Jobs's new house?
Pneumatic tube transport system, ... I've said it before and I'll say it again... tubes rock! 180 21%
Vegetable garden, ... what, no apple orchard? 55 6%
The vending machine mall, ... he's got to pay for the house somehow! 64 7%
Gort security system, ... the only problem with that is a lot of film geeks know what to say to disable him. 147 17%
Polaris nuclear submarine base, ... he ordered one as a kid via a comic book for $6.98, now he can afford the real thing. 124 15%
Awwww... I liked his old house better, ... you're hoping for a Spanish Colonial Revival? 115 13%
I prefer my iTent. 141 17%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and renovations.
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