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Current JoyPoll results for 1022 entries:
What should happen next?
WikiLeaks needs to be banished to the Island of Misfit Geeks, ... that's where they are broadcasting from! |
99 |
9% |
Only public shaming of the Naughty can force them to be nice!, ... but it's not nice to do that, is it? |
79 |
7% |
Maybe Santa can stop being so judgmental?, ... poor Santa, he's just the fall guy for whenever we don't want to buy someone something. |
32 |
3% |
Santa should be prosecuted if it's discovered there's been any abuse of his "Sees you when you're sleeping" powers, ... Santa, the original Big Brother. |
117 |
11% |
I ain't saying anything, since I don't want to find myself on The Naughty List, ... depends who is making the list! |
94 |
9% |
The Naughty List is power, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The moment the Naughty List is freely available to everyone, it loses that power, ... but with a Naughty List, half the fun is not knowing! |
109 |
10% |
I can't wait to see what WikiLeaks has to reveal about the Easter Bunny!, ... I've know for a long time there's something hollow about that rabbit. |
318 |
31% |
I refuse to get caught up in an irrational dialogue about what should or should not happen next. Besides, I need to go Christmas shopping. |
174 |
17% |
May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and corrupt power cables.
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