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Current JoyPoll results for 848 entries:

What happens to music when everyone makes music?
It brings more joy to the world, ... what about joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea? 39 4%
It waters down music and makes musicians less special, ... that's what they said about the kazoo! 37 4%
It makes the talented musicians even more valuable, ... and that's what they said after 10 minutes of the kazoo! 140 16%
It makes silence even more golden, ... awww, silent kazoo is sad. 203 23%
Nothing much happens, because almost all of the people making music with apps will get bored and stop, ... but not until they upload it all to YouTube. 290 34%
I can't wait for GarageArtist, Apple's make-everyone-a-painter app, ... is there a Picasso's mistresses plug-in? 55 6%
Sheesh, everyone's a critic nowadays. 84 9%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and practice, practice, practice.
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