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Current JoyPoll results for 1274 entries:

When a device becomes discontinued, how does it make you feel?
Sad for all the people who worked on it, ... even if they were Wookie slaves? 105 8%
In the Zune's case, it feels like it was a mercy killing, ... iPod Killer? More like iPod kill'd 'er. 473 37%
Numb and shocked. (The Zune was great), ... save it for the next time you are on Antique Roadshow. 62 4%
Glad I didn't buy one, ... too bad, now you can't go to Zune reunions. 99 7%
I'm just sad that I won't have the Zune to laugh about anymore, ... there is another... Windows Phone 7. 171 13%
I have no feelings for technology, ... you need to get an artificial heart. 77 6%
It's not nice to speak ill of the obsolete!, ... or at lease wait until its case is cold. 135 10%
A toast to absent friends. 152 11%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the rounding never having a chance.
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