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Current JoyPoll results for 1006 entries:

What's the main moral of this story?
A sucker is born every minute, ... on the Internet, one is born every millisecond. 40 3%
Caveat emptor, ... sometimes Customer Service is a customer snow-job. 35 3%
It is useless to try to outsmart your kids, ... once they believe that, it's easier to outsmart them. 126 12%
Hacking can pay off!, ... with geek power, comes great responsibility. 37 3%
Strong passwords are a good thing, ... use invisible ink on that Post-it note! 107 10%
Never underestimate the ability of a geek to shrink a portable Electro-Magnetic Pulse generator into a smallish red button, in order to get revenge on a couple of smart-ass kids who hijacked his Facebook account, ... never underestimate a geek to leave his password on a post-it note stuck to the front of his monitor. 566 56%
Be afraid of red buttons! 95 9%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and someone pushing the button.
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