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Current JoyPoll results for 787 entries:

What do you think the Winklevoss twins should do,
now that they'll have to settle with only $160 million from their dispute with Facebook?
Row, row, row their boat into obscurity, ... life would be a dream with 160 million! 100 12%
Keep on suing Zuckerberg, for he is EVIL, ... it seems everybody loves a good villain now-a-days. 59 7%
Walk away from it all, and get on with their lives, ... sounds nice, but at least keep us updated on Twitter. 113 14%
Take the money and run, before others get it!, ... and if you can't take the money, at least grab a few lollypops. 125 15%
Give it all back to Zuck, ... there's good in him, I can feel it. Or is it indigestion? 6 0%
Invest it all in a Facebook competitor, ... can we all just go back to homepages? 28 3%
I really like the idea of them standing outside of Zuck's bedroom window, ... oh OK, I'll tell them to stop standing outside of yours then. 252 32%
There's only one option... lecture tour, opening for Charlie Sheen. 104 13%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and winklerounding.
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