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Current JoyPoll results for 1343 entries:

Do you think the Mac is a target for the writers of malware and viruses?
Naw, the Mac will never be a virus or malware target, ... to you I say, remember Justin Bieber's famous words... "Never say never!" 123 9%
Not today, but someday, ... that's what she said. 170 12%
Not today, but someday very soon, ... keep calm, and carry on! 119 8%
It's already happening sheeple!, ... oh no! If only Apple had just switched to Vista! 239 17%
SHHHHH! Please keep quite about how virus free the Mac and iOS are, so no one writes viruses or malware for it!, ... nuff said! 348 25%
I'm on the front lines, and I see it every day, ... are you a member of GEEK Team Six? 65 4%
Too scared to vote, some of those answers might be malware. 279 20%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and malware that forces rounding into squares.
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