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Current JoyPoll results for 829 entries:

Are the people you know in real life anything like their Twitter feed or Facebook walls?
Yep, pretty much the same, ... a digital copy? 149 17%
No, there's a little bit of someone else in their feeds, ... hopefully not a little troll. 70 8%
Their feeds are quite a bit different from their real life personas, ... maybe the feeds are feeding their egos? 41 4%
It's like different people altogether, ... who they are, and who they want to be? 26 3%
I don't follow anyone on Twitter or Facebook, ... promise me you'll never change. 281 33%
I don't know anyone in real life, ... promise me you'll disconnect from the Matrix soon? 129 15%
I refuse to believe that I am not my Wall. 133 16%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and social network butterflies.
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