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Current JoyPoll results for 835 entries:

What's your favorite way to squeeze even more money out of a 8.5 billion dollar deal?
Charge for office supplies, ... in all fairness, the Post it Notes were gold leaf. 34 4%
Harvest organs and sell them, ... honey, don't forget to pick up some fava beans and a nice chianti. 11 1%
Mug former employees as they leave the building, ... well, you can probably get back a few pens and some of those gold leaf Post it Notes. 27 3%
Send Microsoft a 2.5 billion dollar bill for a "Skype Acquisition Service Pack.", ... OK, that idea is so good, I would appreciate a small percentage of that. 548 65%
Great, now I'm going to have more nightmares about those terrifying flying monkeys, ... they wouldn't bother you so much if you'd just SURRENDER DOROTHY! 74 8%
Money isn't everything, viewing the results is. 141 16%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and monkey flying out of the poll.
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