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Current JoyPoll results for 822 entries:

What's the scariest thing about those fake Apple stores in China?

How real they looked, ... obviously you're not a Steve Jobs-calibre perfectionist. 29 3%
That even some of the employees didn't know that they were fake, ... that just tells me that even in China, some clerks are clueless. 297 36%
If the Chinese can copy that, what else can they copy?, ... and here you thought you were doing the official JoyPoll, not a Chinese knockoff. 28 3%
That on the outside of each building were plaques that say "Designed by Apple in California", ... yeah, but they were printed in Comic Sans. 67 8%
It reminds me of that ancient Chinese saying... Imitation is the sincerest form of world domination, ... Fake Apple store owners open the door, but you must walk through it yourself. 68 8%
They're not that scary, around here we call them the Microsoft Store!, ... not scary, but TERRIFYING! 199 24%
I'm pretty sure the results are fake. 134 16%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and ancient Chinese secret!
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