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Current JoyPoll results for 949 entries:

When you screw up, how do you handle it?

Apologize as soon as possible, ... on behalf of all those who don't, I apologize. 213 22%
Stew on it, feel bad, then apologize, ... you'd think Ego would be used to being wrong by now. 133 14%
Eat crow, ... it's a little tastier than hat. 50 5%
Honestly, I rarely screw up, ... well my friend, you just did. 117 12%
Try to remember that one learns more from their mistakes, ... how come I don't seem to learn from my spelling mistakes? 162 17%
Get a big tub of ice cream and watch Netflix, ... now there's an idea, unlimited streaming ice cream! 129 13%
I'm trying to rent My Beautiful Mistake. 145 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and I hope I don't screw up this message.
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