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Current JoyPoll results for 1293 entries:

What will you miss most when Flash is gone?

All the fun games to waste my time with, ... I have a feeling you will never run out of those. 201 15%
Nothing, ... regrets, you had a lot. 444 34%
All that wonderful down time when Flash crashes, ... It was Flash's built-in "get up and stretch" time. 86 6%
The constant fun of updating my Flash players, ... oh well, now you can update your whole HTML5 browser! 251 19%
Steve Jobs Dress-up, ... I still can't believe Walter Isaacson didn't include this in Steve's biography! 100 7%
I'm not going to miss Flash, because it will live on forever at RIM!, ... RIM does it their way. 63 4%
I didn't want to miss the results. 148 11%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and memory hogs.
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