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Current JoyPoll results for 1103 entries:

Which of the below would make you drop or boycott a company fastest?

A difference of political opinion, ... we need SOPA on a rope to prevent our Internet from being assaulted. 69 6%
Sexist advertising, ... yes, there is a difference from sexy advertising. 43 3%
Super annoying website, ... endless options give customers endless headaches. 23 2%
Super annoying phone calls, ... yeah, I'd love to talk to you about renewing all my domains now to save 20 percent during my dinner. 96 8%
When it's all of the above, I have to wonder what took me so long, ... I think it was how super annoying they made the transfer process! 399 36%
I have to admit, boobies get my attention, ... I know! I just keep staring at those blue feet! 272 24%
Who cares about the poll, I just want to see more of the comic's 4th panel. 201 18%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and do blue-footed boobies have sad feet?

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