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Current JoyPoll results for 1145 entries:

What iPad 3 fact do you hope is real?

Incredible high-def screen, ... is it as good as Romper Room's magic mirror? 275 24%
Invisible Home button, ... iPad 3 Home button resets you! 55 4%
It gives dividends, ... forget the shareholders, tip the workers! 245 21%
An iPad that came with Chuck Norris Action Jeans would be irresistible, ... it's the unique hidden gusset that makes all the difference! 180 15%
A Mr. T iPad would be A-mazing, ... I love it when a plan comes together. 169 14%
Just so long as they don't call it the iPad 2S!!!! 221 19%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and I ain't gettin' on no plane!
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