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Current JoyPoll results for 1246 entries:

How's your relationship with printers?

Pretty good, I never have issues with mine, ... I hereby anoint you Printer Zen Master. 381 30%
It's on and off, some days they're fine, others they're hell, ... with mine it's not on or off, it's jammed or out of ink. 262 21%
Printers are vile, evil things, that rarely work for me, ... you didn't realize they work for the printer cartridge manufacturers? 95 7%
I wish Apple would make a printer again, one that was simple and just worked, ... I NEVER had a problem with my Stylewriter, did I? 175 14%
Huh? People still print?, ... if you can figure out a way to eliminate printers, you may as well print money. 240 19%
My ink ran out. 93 7%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and I need to replace the rounding cartridge.

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