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Current JoyPoll results for 5228 entries:

Why is Apple such a target these days?

Because Apple is one of the most evil companies ever, ... they're insidious, like root beer. 335 6%
Because everyone loves to see a star like Apple fall, ... you'd think we all had enough of that in the 90's. 508 9%
Because everyone knows Apple stories get the most page views, ... hopefully that applies to comics too. 1727 33%
Because Apple is just so darn insanely great at stuff, including evil things, ... "Hatred is gained as much by good works as by evil." 253 4%
When you're the best, you make a lot of enemies along the way, ... is that why we have so many friends? 475 9%
Bah, Apple has always been picked on in the press!, ... if they didn't want to be picked on, they shouldn't have named themselves after a fruit. 726 13%
Apple is not anything like Target! 1204 23%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and Ignorance, the root and stem of all bad rounding.
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