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Current JoyPoll results for 747 entries:

Has your attention span become shorter in the Internet age?

I wouldn't know, I grew up in the Internet age, ... I don't have time to hear about that. 63 8%
Yes, it's gotten shorter since the Internet, ... point and click and on to the next. 131 17%
Actually, it's gotten longer, ... the ability to surf the web all day does not indicate a long attention span. 31 4%
It's about the same as ever, ... it must be, if you read this far. 76 10%
It would be longer if stuff was more interesting!, ... and if you read this far, I succeeded! 159 21%
Question too long, ... snarky reply even more so! 209 27%
Ug, gimme results. 78 10%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the script's attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
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