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Current JoyPoll results for 937 entries:

Can boycotts of companies by consumers actually change anything?

Yes they can, ... luckily, in the history of the planet Earth, there has never been a propeller beanie boycott. 116 12%
Nope, ... I'm withholding a snarky comment until your negative attitude changes! 79 8%
Not if the only people boycotting are people who would never buy the company's products anyway, ... it still hurts where it hurts most, expanding their customers. 314 33%
They work mainly by giving a sense of community to the boycotters, ... and provides a nice income to the boycott-stuff t-shirt and button makers. 62 6%
In the case of #boycottapple, if it was trending on Twitter or Facebook, maybe. On Google+, forget it!, ... Ping me if it ever does. 36 3%
I'm boycotting this poll, ... JoyPoll CORP is saddened by the decision of some to select this option, but will continue creating JoyPolls for the rest of its customers, and is looking forward to creating the finest JoyPolls in the future. 186 19%
Number of people who say they will boycott the poll, but Viewed the Results anyway. 145 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and a rounding injunction.
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