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Current JoyPoll results for 249 entries:

What will be your reaction to Google Glasses?

I will wear them all the time!, ... continuing the tradition of geeks and glasses. 22 8%
It will be like the people in the comic, they are neat, but please don't film me all the time!, ... OK, no problem (secretly turns on shoe cam) 56 22%
meh. When will people get bored with stupid tech?, ... that's what the Neanderthal said about fire. 57 22%
Oh god, this is the end of humanity, ... we are Borg, and we welcomed assimilation! 28 11%
I'm waiting for Google Contacts!, ... they'll probably jump straight to an optic nerve implant. 47 18%
I'd rather be doing the JoyPoll via Glass. 37 14%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and what, everybody thinks they're Geordi now?
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