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Current JoyPoll results for 278 entries:

What company do you prefer to keep?

The company of the opposite sex!, ... what's the opposite sex of not getting any? 101 36%
The company of the same sex, ... band of brothers, faction of females? They're all geek to me. 13 4%
Gender makes no difference to me, ... after all, if we assume 30,000 total genes, then men and women are about 99.7% the same anyway. 17 6%
It's not even close... my devices!, ... be careful, they might think the Organic is too clingy! 35 12%
It's not even close... by myself!, ... that would be kind of sad, if you weren't so magnificent. 23 8%
I much prefer the company of my pet!, ... no, I didn't say Commodore PET! 88 31%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and preferring the company of numbers.
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