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Current JoyPoll results for 248 entries:

What do you think of Facebook Home?

I've never heard of it, ... ignorance is where the heart is. 28 11%
I hate it, who wants all that crap floating over your homescreen all the time?, ... so you're going to run away from Home? 32 12%
I might use it once or twice, but not all the time, ... wait a sec, I thought you can't go Home again. 8 3%
I love it. It's a brilliant way to bring more life to the homescreen of my phone, ... you need to stop giving your phone a life and get a life. 3 1%
I couldn't give a flying fork about Facebook Home, or Facebook, ... does that mean you're not going to "Like" it? 47 18%
I couldn't give a flying fork about Facebook Home, or Facebook, or Android, ... be careful not to throw out all the silverware with the dishwater! 65 26%
Poor Android is going to get forked over!, ... but use a spoon, you'll want to get every drop. 32 12%
There's no place like my old homepage. 32 12%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and forking.
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