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Current JoyPoll results for 539 entries:

What's the moral of this comic?

Old folks are uptight, ... maybe that's why they lived long enough to grow old? 3 0%
Kids, think before you share, ... seems like good advice for any generation! 33 6%
Every generation has their own stupid stunts, ... but pre-Internet, it could be contained. 103 19%
Despite all our technology, we are all still just a bunch of monkeys, ... I'll share you mine if you'll share me yours. 160 29%
Never go commando if you think your suspenders may have a wardrobe failure, ... what holds up, must fall down. 40 7%
Never look at a text from Grandpa, ... luckily that's not a phone, it's just a bar of soap. 113 20%
I'm too uptight to vote. 87 16%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and people say we monkey around.
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