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Current JoyPoll results for 372 entries:

Do you like practical jokes?

Not really, ... I guess you don't want to step on this banana peel then? 37 9%
No, they are often stupid and cruel, ... especially for the banana! 53 14%
I do if they aren't played on me!, ... Beagle McPhee would call you a scaredy-cat. 28 7%
I love them, even when they are played on me, ... do you have a good sense of humour, or just no ego? 13 3%
It depends on the joke, if they aren't cruel, then they can be hilarious!, ... bah, I liked it better when punking someone involved a Mohawk hairdo and safety pins. 95 25%
I'm scared to vote, in case this poll is a practical joke, ... that wasn't practical. Unless NOT having a practical joke here IS the practical joke! 77 20%
Viewing the Results is a practical joke on all those hard-voting JoyPollers. 69 18%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and a cream pie in the data.

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