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Current JoyPoll results for 526 entries:

What would you like to see parbuckled next?

Leaning Tower of Piza, ... that's a cockeyed idea. 23 4%
Lean in, the book by Sheryl Sandberg, ... I was tempted to italicize that. 8 1%
The Earth's tilt, ... best reason to do this, to get rid of Daylight Savings Time! 24 4%
My posture, ... I'm not slumped, I'm just bearing the weight of the world while surfing the web. 90 17%
Me off the couch now and then, ... I'll level with you, you've got to get un-horizontal on your own. 93 17%
Leave leaning stuff alone!!!, ... but I have such a slant to fall into that inclination! 197 37%
I'm lopsided to just viewing the results. 88 16%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and parzippering.

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