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Current JoyPoll results for 531 entries:

What was the rich guy's mistake?

Badly-worded email, ... it wasn't so badly-worded, it's just that several billion other emails are similarly worded. 61 11%
Not having heirs, ... he can't help that he's bald. 53 9%
Should have given it all to charity, ... he was leaving that up to you, so you could get the tax receipt. 121 22%
Should have spent more on a tombstone, ... actually, he bought the cemetery. His is the only stone in there. 25 4%
Should have spent more on life-extending research, ... it wouldn't matter, when Nitrozac says it's time to go, it's time to go. 154 29%
He made no mistake! He got to keep all his money until he died!, ... he had to keep it, it was all in his mattress! 111 20%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the Grim Rounder.

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