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Current JoyPoll results for 718 entries:

How do you feel about Facebook's plan to track your cursor movement?

It's an invasion of my privacy!, ... but you're the one treading on Facebook's turf! 109 15%
Bah, it's nothing to worry about, since I don't use Facebook, ... yeah, no one else would dare do that, would they NSA. 220 30%
It's a logical extension of their attempts to see what their users are doing, ... Facebook body snatching is inevitable. 100 13%
I hardly ever use a cursor anymore!, ... your clunky desktop computer is cursing you! 30 4%
Ah, so that's why they call it a cursor, because you can write out invisible curse words with it!, ... aren't you glad I pointed that out? 141 19%
I'm cursing myself for not voting. 114 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and quit making such a cuss.

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