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Current JoyPoll results for 548 entries:

If you were Facebook trying to keep teens on your site, what would be the best way?

Buy Snapchat or other youth-popular startups, ... youth-popular startups tend to disappear after 10 seconds. 31 5%
Ban their parents from Facebook, ... that would help the parents' time-wasting problem too! 181 33%
Partner up with popular music performers, ... it ain't over 'til the skinny lady twerks. 8 1%
Create their own new social network aimed at teens-only, ... just don't tell them Facebook is the parent company! 39 7%
Good luck with that, Facebook old farts!, ... remember when a social network was a shortwave radio, or two walkie -talkies, or an IRC chat room? 199 36%
I'm just viewing the results like a teen. 87 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and when I was seventeen, it was a very good year.

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