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Current JoyPoll results for 670 entries:

Would you let a company listen in to your life via your smartphone?

No way, ... insist on audio and video! 232 34%
That goes double when it's a company like Facebook!, ... would you trust Apple, Google, or Microsoft? 221 32%
Depends. Every now and then it might be handy, ... maybe it would give Siri a chance to really understand me. 27 4%
The NSA is already listening, so why not?, ... I think I still trust the NSA more than Zuck. 56 8%
Great, so now Facebook's really going to know how boring my life is!, ... it might be less boring if you ditched the Facebook! 57 8%
I'm listening to the results. 70 10%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and duct tape over the microphone.

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