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Current JoyPoll results for 776 entries:

What would be your solution to bending iPhones?

Bigger pants, bigger pockets!, ... clowns are so ahead of the times. 38 4%
Use a holster, ... and for those in the USA, another holster. ;-P 75 9%
Consider it a feature, not a bug, ... no wonder the glass had to be stronger! 60 7%
You're sitting wrong, ... well, you do know that sitting kills you, right? 181 23%
If you put it in your pocket, you obviously don't appreciate it enough, ... doesn't Apple sell a wrist strap yet? 116 14%
Steel iBeam re-enforced cases, ... cigarette cases will be making a comeback! 170 21%
I'm bending my head around the results. 129 16%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the rounding snaping when bent.

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