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Current JoyPoll results for 765 entries:

How does the thought of an Amazon device constantly listening
to you in your home make you feel?

Creeped out, ... don't look now, but your cellphone's got its ear cocked. 319 41%
Creeped out but I want one!, ... Alexa, why are humans so stupid? 23 3%
Creeped out, but if Apple made one I'd want one!, ... Tim Cook seems a nicer person to tell all your problems to. 133 17%
Nah, I already have a Nest device watching me, ... the Internet of creepy things. 22 2%
I have no problem with corporations listening to me, ... if they really listened to you, that would be nice. 7 0%
Actually, it would be nice if someone listened to me now and then!, ... you're better off buying an echo chamber. 117 15%
In the joyPoll results, no one can hear you scream. 137 17%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and looking at the Cloud from both sides now.

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