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Current JoyPoll results for 488 entries:

Why do you think Mark Zuckerberg is starting a book club?

To expand his mind, ... or maybe he read that bookworms get more chicks? 3 0%
He's hoping to make a fortune on Amazon affiliate-link money!, ... ahh, so that's why he wants to bring Internet access to the world! 95 19%
Because he's just as sick of Facebook as the rest of us, ... bah, he's just copying Denzel Washington's character in The Equalizer. 158 32%
It's part of his plan to assimilate Oprah, ... he did just buy some land in Hawaii! 53 10%
I don't know why, but he'd better read up on chainsaw safety!, ... don't worry, he's well experienced using it on our privacy. 99 20%
I'm cutting up the results. 75 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and a comic book club.

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