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Current JoyPoll results for 465 entries:

What stage of boredom are you in right now?

Not bored, ... that validates my boring existence somewhat. 60 12%
Getting bored, ... quick, head to another comic! 21 4%
Slightly bored, ... you're over the JoyPoll hump, keep reading! 38 8%
Bored, ... do you mean state of mind, or is something making a hole in you with a revolving tool? 27 5%
So bored, I am beyond bored, ... hopefully it's a cycle, not a one-way trip. 31 6%
HOLY AMAZEBALLS! I'm doing the JoyPoll! Whooopie wheeeeee!, ... no one can deny it, you're awesome, sensational, first-rate, and sexy when you suck up! 223 47%
I'm about to be blown away by the results. 64 13%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and too much excitment for one number!

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