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Current JoyPoll results for 431 entries:

If you had control of the car, where would you tell it to go?

Somewhere for ice cream sounds good, ... you won't have to hijack me. 145 33%
Somewhere for some real food, ... how about hijacking a taco truck? 71 16%
Nowhere, I'd just watch the entertainment system!, ... you're making me carsick. 25 5%
Just out for a long drive on the open road, ... sometimes getting lost is the best way to find yourself. 84 19%
Straight to jail for hacking the entertainment system!, ... if you could hack most movies and make them better, we'll declare you a whitehat. 32 7%
I'm driving straight to the results. 73 16%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and it melted!

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