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Current JoyPoll results for 384 entries:

What's the biggest drag about losing your job?

The humiliation, ... especially if everyone on Twitter is cheering it. ouch! 32 8%
Loss of income, ... in most cases, yes, but I think Dick will be OK. 141 36%
There's no Fail Whale birdies to come and take you away, ... it's usually the Dementors! 32 8%
A drag? It's usually a good thing!, ... dude, you need to chill out! 20 5%
I feel sorry for the person who has to take my place!, ... I'd be too busy fail-wailing to think about anyone else. 88 22%
I'm wailing over the results! 70 18%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and what the birds flew away with.

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