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Current JoyPoll results for 626 entries:

Why do human characters in science fiction movies always seem
to create sexy robots that can have sex?

Because robots won't kiss and tell, or ask for alimony when the electricity dies, ... but they may ask for child-process support payments! 85 13%
Because of that damn song Sex Machine, ... Get up! 13 2%
Because robots having sex with robots would be super boring to watch, ... perhaps, but Rule 34 still applies. 57 9%
Because geeks write those stories, and the characters betray their author's failings with human relationships, ... if so, what does that say about George R.R. Martin! 286 45%
Because these robot characters usually represent technology, which is seductive to us puny humans, ... I could never say no to my Happy Mac. 61 9%
I'm plugging into the results. 123 19%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the primary numbers need some lubrication.

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