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Current JoyPoll results for 470 entries:

Besides your tech, what inanimate objects have you talked to lately?

My teddy bear or my doll, ... when they started to talk back, it ruined all the fun. 31 6%
Plants, ... they're not inanimate, your time stream just isn't compatible. 35 7%
My action figures, ... I've been cursing my in-active figure lately. 6 1%
My monkey's paw, ... don't ask it for too much stuff, you'll make your genie jealous. 16 3%
My bills... #@&%*!, ... my tools think that's the only word I know! 113 24%
Does my sleeping Significant Other count as an inanimate object?, ... depends on how much turkey they just ate. 140 29%
I'm talking to the results! 128 27%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and talk to the hand!

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