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Current JoyPoll results for 505 entries:

How do you stay under the radar while on the Internet?

I use TOR, and other encryption techniques, ... I dub you The Onion Knight! 30 5%
I use Private browsing mode, clear my cookies and history, etc., ... your breadcrumbs are showing! 90 17%
I don't really, I just hide amongst all the other lemmings, ... cliff-diving might leave you swimming with the fishes. 200 39%
If I told you, I'd have to killall you, ... in the immortal words on Sergeant Schultz... I see nothing, NOTHING! 53 10%
What? You mean I'm not anonymous on the Internet? , ... you'll always be your Forum nick to me. 79 15%
I'm viewing the results like the other lemmings! 121 23%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and volunteer-operated rounding.

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