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Current JoyPoll results for 687 entries:

Who would win in a light saber fight... Light Side baby or Dark Side baby?

Light Side baby!, ... the burp is strong with that one! 16 2%
Dark Side Baby, no question about that, ... always two they are... terrible twos! 164 23%
It would be a tie, since The Force is currently balanced, ... perhaps, but with two babies around, it's always time to change! 41 5%
No one wins when babies weild light sabers!, ... only the people who sell force field cribs! 204 29%
That's easy... Kirk's baby!, ... actually, Light side baby has Picard's hair! 157 22%
I'm being a dark sider and just viewing the results! 105 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and a problem with the focusing crystals.

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