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Current JoyPoll results for 465 entries:

What's your excuse to eat badly this holiday?

It just wouldn't be Christmas without that super-stuffed feeling, ... so sayith the turkey. 45 9%
It's part of my Pagan ritual. If I don't overeat now, Spring might not arrive, ... if you super over-eat, it just might not arrive for you! 50 10%
It's impossible to resist all the good stuff that shows up this time of year, ... cue saliva glands. 77 16%
You never know when a famine will hit, so eat while you can!, ... don't you still have a lot of stuff in Mayan Apocalypse bunker? 28 6%
Over-eating is the one thing I'm good at, ... your colon is feeling bummed out right now. 65 13%
OMG, TOBLERONE!!!, ... how come I get more round when I eat those triangles? 199 42%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and and the poll's metabolism.

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