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Current JoyPoll results for 573 entries:

Does the Amazon Echo interest you?

Yes, anything that helps me not lift a finger for anything is a good thing, ... it's preparing you for brain-in-a-vat-dom! 17 2%
Yes, because I see it as a personal assistant who can worry about the small things, while I worry about more important things, ... like paying for all the stuff it orders? 12 2%
Yes, if I think about it as Star Trek's voice controlled computer, ... it's going to turn you into Captain Pike! 56 9%
Not really, I don't need anything like that, I can order products and Ubers and turn up the thermostat and flick a light switch all by myself, ... oh my! Grampa, better take your stress pills! 144 25%
No way! I do not want any device listening to me in my house!, ... what about your robot Significant Other? 271 47%
"Alexa, just view the results!" 72 12%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the echos of my mind.

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