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Current JoyPoll results for 554 entries:

Would a stunt like this phase you, if you were in the hotpool?

Yes, I'd clear out of the water pretty fast, ... better safe than saprophytic and parasitic spore-producing eukaryotic infected. 31 5%
I'd check Siri before I panicked, ... no service, no Siri? No problem! You alway hike with a medical encyclopedia! 6 1%
I'd check Google instead, ... based on his search history, Google already has a good idea if he's infected or not. 27 4%
I'd check DuckDuckGo, so Google wouldn't think I have a fungus problem, ... that way Google only knows you're paranoid about your privacy. 146 26%
If I was sitting relaxing in a gorgeous hotspring, hopefully I wouldn't notice or care about some guy checking his phone, ... I think I need to test this poll by heading to a hotspring! 254 45%
I'm soaking in the geothermally heated results. 89 16%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and superheated rounding.

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