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Current JoyPoll results for 523 entries:

If a court awarded you damages from a tech company,
how much do you think that award should be?
In other words, how much has tech hurt you?

Not at all! It's made me who I am today!, ... wait a second, maybe we should all sue you! 70 13%
I think $10,000, for all the frustration would be appropriate, ... that's less than a cent per times I curse a week! 84 16%
I think $100,000, for all the wasted time, lost work, and mental anguish would be appropriate, ... face it, you got a rush every time you clicked the update button. 79 15%
Millions. I want millions! My body is a wreck and my mind is turning to mush, ... who said listicles can't hurt you? 156 29%
If anything, I owe tech some dough!, ... I believe that's called the Stockholm Syndrome! 42 8%
I'm suing the results. 91 17%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and losing the rounding sweepstakes.

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