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Current JoyPoll results for 681 entries:

How would you deal with America's anger issues?

Vote for the angry party to change things, ... last time you tried to fix something while angry... how did that work out? 39 5%
Vote for a less angry party to, I dunno, change things?, ... sometimes a rest is as good as a change. 130 19%
Don't vote at all, to make a point, ... that's a mute point. 7 1%
Moving to Canada is sounding better and better, ... before you arrive, make sure you have a propeller toque! 149 21%
Just back away slowly, don't get involved, and hope that the USA takes their meds, ... easy to say when you don't live beside them! 244 35%
I'm mad as hell and I ain't gonna vote anymore! 111 16%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and rounding stabilizers.

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