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Current JoyPoll results for 477 entries:

What's the worst disease for an iPhone to get?

Bipolar Electrode Disorder, ... if it doesn't change its state soon, I recommend taking it to redox. 17 3%
Touch Disease, ... your iPhone can't feel you, but if you can get the camera on, at least you can tell it you love it. 25 5%
Chronic Battery Fatigue Syndrome, ... when is Tesla going to offer an iPhone battery pack with Ludicrous mode? 192 40%
Separation anxiety, ... OK, well at least I know you suffer from projection. 57 11%
Itchy, flaking screen, ... just thinking about that is giving me sore-eye-asis 31 6%
Bad body image, ... well we know who to blame for my old iPhone feeling fat... I'm looking at you Apple! 48 10%
I'm shaming the results! 106 22%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and paresthesia.

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