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Current JoyPoll results for 310 entries:

What else should be on this guy's sign?

I may be just mining you for your data, ... as long as it's not strip mining. 41 13%
I may give you cookies, but I don't have any cooties, ... if only Amazon and Facebook's cookies were imaginary! 14 4%
Warning, anything you say to me might end up as the subject of another conversation with someone else at this party, ... I'm counting on it! 106 34%
This chance meeting with me may one day end up with marriage, the birth of children, and growing old together, ... he's a romantic, but he'll still require a pre-nup. 18 5%
Wait a second, how do I get invited to one of these awesome parties Nitrozac throws?, ... there's always a party in the JoyPoll! 91 29%
I'm showing up fashionably late, to view the results. 38 12%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the cookie dough directive.

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