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Current JoyPoll results for 355 entries:

What abbreviation describes your typical websurf?

TLDR (Too long, didn't read), ... I hope you just didn't choose this one because the poll was too long for you. 29 8%
TSOS (Too short on substance), ... you mean you didn't want to read about the superfood that melts off pounds? 75 21%
TADR (Too annoying, didn't read), ... they seem to think the secret of a successful website is to annoy their readers the most. 114 32%
TMMBICS (Too many memes, but I can't stop!), ... the world was never the same after I can has cheezburger. 6 1%
TMPBTOK (Too much procrastination, but that's OK), ... you do realize voting in the JoyPoll counts as serious work! 78 21%
IVTR, ... I viewed the results. 52 14%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and refreshing.

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