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Current JoyPoll results for 396 entries:

How are you getting through these days of lockdown?

I'm doing a lot of reading, ... try writing, but just not on social media, K? 34 8%
I'm doing a lot of watching... TV, news, Internet, ... who's watching the watcher? 36 9%
I'm working from home, so keeping busy, ... spring cleaning is now an essential mental health maintainer! 163 41%
I'm going crazy!, ... you're a chameleon, matching the world around you! 16 4%
All of the above, ... we'll get through this, just repeat until the pandemic is over. 93 23%
I'm getting through the isolation by savouring the results. 53 13%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and my #fatteningthecurve.

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