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Should Apple charge 30% on tips or subscriptions to creators?
Well, if they charge everyone else, they may as well charge creators, ... we'll be extinct'd by AI soon anyway. | 16 | 5% | |
Naw, it seems a little petty, to rob the pennies out of a creator's hat, ... it's the Loonies they are robbing that really hurts! | 152 | 50% | |
If you build a business on someone else's platform, you have to expect this kind of thing, ... Cartoonists available. Will work for coffee. | 69 | 23% | |
Go for it Apple, I'm riding your stock up!, ... Mr. Buffett, can you spare a dime? | 6 | 2% | |
My tip is viewing the results. | 56 | 18% |
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